Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How Free are we!!

In the past few days i have been frequently asking myself "How free i am?" We often believe that we have free will. We can do anything we wish like if we want to want to eat a cake instead of pizza we can. If we want to wear jeans instead of a trouser we can. We can travel wherever we want, if we want to take off from work, we can. All these looks free.

All choices that we make are thinking that we are exercising our free will. What ever we do is all determined by our conditioning and heritage. We have no choice over our parents so we get what we are gifted with. Also from childhood we are exposed to conditioning and self belief of what is right and what is wrong. As an adult we become a mixture of conditioning and heritage. All our decisions and choices and thoughts come out from the mixture of our conditioning and genetics, so what ever we do is a by product of these mixture.

So what we consider our will or freedom is somehow a slave of conditioning and genetics of ours. Whatever we were told as what is right and what is wrong we tend to believe it because of the conditioning of our childhood.

True freedom can come only by un conditioning ourselves. If we can do this we can have freedom of thoughts and respond freely.


SUFFIX said...

We should have the freedom to freely do whatever we wish, but it should not harm others and our moral values!!

BK Chowla, said...

I have my views.You may like to visit my site and read the latest post
Do let me know what you feel.

Destiny's child... said...

I think I agree with you here. We are conditioned to think in a certain way. But as we grow up, we tend to develop our own perceptions about right and wrong.

Varsha Shrote said...

Nice post! Truly said...our upbringing and conditioning decides the decisions we take and the choices we make. How free we can be depends on our boldness....yeah but it should not affect others :)

Titaxy said...

well...if we uncondition ourselves of all the values (the good and the bad) that we are taught from childhood, then will there be peace in the world (not that it's a peaceful place now :P)...what will the difference between man and beast be? if everyone is allowed to think of good and bad on their own without parental or societal intervention, then how many of us do you think will still be a 'good' person?

i think the "free" in "free" will itself is relative term...i think.

oh btw, the pic on the post is amazing. i was v distracted by looking at it for a while :D

Neha said...

nice thoughts Nazish..we all are free provided we use our freedom wisely :)

Samvedna said...

We can never be free that way..that absolute freedom is available only to animals:)..but look at what cost?

Manju said...

even freedom is pretty limited by these factors. true.

The Holy Lama said...

A person matures over a period of time. His genetics and conditioning guide im through early years, then he might differ with accepted norms and views and try to tread a different path. This phase is most difficult for if you are sure and comfortable with yourself, you tend to get lost. Time, youth and moey is spent trying to be different for the sake of it. Usually, with few silver streaks in your hair, you tend to see the similarity of age old norms and modern life. It a long way, no short cuts through life.

Usha said...

When I saw the title, I thought it was gonna something to do with Free Time :S lol...

Ain't it contradicting when people say "even free will should come with its limits?"

Nevertheless, great post :)

Happy Belated Republic Day :D

Deeps said...

So long as my decisions and will dont affect others in a negative way I really dont want to think about the conditioning and unconditioning of myself that much.

Aparna said...

Interesting view point though I do not completely agree.
My parents did shape me when I was small. I did imbibe a lot of values from them. But it is wrong to say I lead my life exactly the way they did. My point of view is different from theirs, though perhaps they did try to 'condition' me.
I think as you grow, a lot changes, including your beliefs and thought process. To realise that your upbringing coloured your judgement and then changing your attitude is also a type of freedom.

KB said...

Ah, the things we would do differently if we were totally free. Well written post my friend :)

Kavi said...

Freedom comes with responsibility ! I wonder when we will ever recognise it fully !


The Panorama said...

Nobody is totally free. It takes a lot to break out of conditioning but it can be done.
Nice post:)

SG said...

Nice one. Being free means being responsible. When you are free, you are automatically responsible for your own future.

HaRy!! said...

a question which i think i can never answer!!..cya around


shilpa said...

I think this topic is close to my heart right now dont ask me why but thanks for the post it was lovely as usall

sujata sengupta said...

thats completely true, we are slaves to our age old prejudices, to our societal conditioning, freedom is not just about a pizza or a cake, its about treading a path which brings you happiness, to uncondition and unlearn is the key, very well put NR.

Ammara said...

i agree with u to an extent.... its increasingly difficult to persuade people to deviate frm the norm.. nd i remember even in school as kids...people usually did as their mothers prescribed nd in school even, when mommy was away, they wudnt defy her.... another example was in US... almost everyone wanted to go to say their Friday prayer... talk of conditioning... its a sad reality that although our ancestors were monkeys ( or apes) , we fail to lead a life different frm rats...

Urmi said...

You have written very beautifully about the true fact of life. In my opinion everybody should have complete freedom but they should not misutilize it. It depends on how the person is brought up which carries the family values and should be always remembered.

NR said...

@ Suffix Your right...but many dont follow!!

@ Chowla yup sure!! :)

@ Destiny's Child Great u agree with me :)!!

@ Varsha Thanks ya..

@ Titaxy What i mean is carry the good points with u and unlearn the stuffs that are negative!!
Thanks even i liked the pic :)!!

@ Neha Thanks Neha...i agree!!

@ Antaram What we can do is ...we can atleast try !!

@ Manju :))

@ The Holy Lama I truly agree with u!!

@ Usha Thanks Usha!!

@ Deeps Hahah..

@ Aparna What i meant was that carry the good & leave the bad

@ KB Thanks Karen!!

@ Kavi Hope soon !!

@ The Panorama Thanks ya..

@ SG Thanks for your comments!

@ Harry :))

@ Shilpa Welcome back..n thanks a lot!!

@ Sujata Thanks a lot ya..glad u liked it.

@ Ammara Welcome to my blog...yup i agree with u, all depends on how we wanna live :))!!

Magdalen Islands said...

I don't feel very free. The more material things accumulated the less freedom I have and the more responsibility.
Your post has a lot of good thought and is very thought provoking. Thanks for sharing!

NR said...

@ Magdalen Islands Thanks...i agree with u but u see it all in our minds!!

Anonymous said...

yes we should be free but what when few circumstences dont allow us to do what we wish....
then is our freedom taken from us or is it just our fate