Its election time now and all the political parties are in full action thesedays. Ya its only during thesedays that you will be able to see your MP's. My constituency will be going to polls on 13 and i have still not been able to make my mind on which party or candidate to vote. All of them are the same none are better than the other. Elections or politics seems is about choosing the lesser evil...but the EVIL.
Sometimes i really dont want to vote but then i realize that by not voting i am in a way helping these fellows and wasting my vote which the constitution of my country has provided. Rarely there are candidates who do not have a case pending against him. Nine out ten fall in that category. Its time that the Election Commission come up with strict rules and the EC is also given some powers so that these leaders dont take things for granted.
What ever be the scenario, as a responsible citizen voting is must!!
good post keep writing
I agree with u...
use the '49-O' right!....'i vote nobody' by this u will be voting for no1, but stil ur vote will count! :)
why have u posted such a post after the 'i vote nobody' one?
Here in this post i have just expressed emotions that a human being goes through. The same happened with me as for a moment there came a moment not to vote but at that very moment i remembered my responsibility. How upset i was is that what i had expressed.
I think that one person goin and voting for the 'i vote nobody' would also be waste of a vote. . . Though it seems really attractive. . .
i mean, not many would go for the 49-0. . . So we rather choose the lesser evil as you have put it. . . And help any one party get a majority. . .
half of our political problems would end if we start gettin governments with a clear majority rather than coalitions . . .
i haven had a chance to cast my vote abhi tak :( :( :(
@ JaLpArI - tHe MeRmAiD
The main aim is to use your vote and not waste it....its our duty to vote.
Why have u not been able to get your voter id card or u are not in your city when the elections are held
it's the public that is the cause of all the government problems!
the public doesn't realize its rights, and conform to the parties wishes. in spite of knowing that the freakin bastards won't lead any changes, the public still votes for them (by being biased, of course)
and Nazish, you're the one who had posted the information about '49-o"
then why should you not excercise that right urself? haan? I'M SO PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW! X-(
if i were in india, i would've used my right to caste my vote for '49-o" and not for any bastard candidates.
it is us, the people, who caste our votes, and then blame the freakin politicians for the problems. we dont realize that we were the ones who helped them win!!!!!!....
@ Neha
Hey Neha i understand that your very angry, but Neha we can exercise this 49-0 right when we think we should and m going to vote on 13 of this month, so have not voted yet and would definitely use it if i think the candidates are not good.
I agree with u that most politicians are corrupt but among them u still have some good ppl thats why we have a better system as u can compare with our neighboring countries. Dont get angry as its we people who will bring a change in this system by doing our bit and hope so will achieve it. The best part of the story is that Neha the process has begun...
Cheers mate.....take care
Thanks for the comment on my space Nazish..Pls keep visiting..:)
Nice space u have...I cant say anything on IPL,as I am having a tuf time cos of it..:D..A hubby glued to couch with his laptop..:D
@ Varsha Vipins
Thanks....nearly woman are angry with IPL...lol!!!
Hmm...Now I surely think that I have wasted my vote...Buth nevertheless , it thought me something na :-)
And for all gurl's irriated with IPL...here is post by me
Nazish, now got my point of writing about IPL? All women are irritated with the glued-up act of their guys...hehe
@ Angel
Never mind next time do go n vote
lol...dont blame poor IPL for that...hahah!!!
i do agree with sajith...being responsible..nd given rights...u need 2 go out nd vote..irrespective of the scenario...
a very intellectual blog indeed..!!!
@ Paranormal ME
Thanks....i totally agree with u that we should not run away from our responsibilities!!!!
So corruption is worldwide. I too vote, but often am not totally pleased with whom I vote for.
@ Gramma 2 Many
Welcome to my blog mam....well ya mam seems so...its like sometimes choosing the lesser evil!!!
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