8th june,20009 was really a terrible day for me. I slipped from stairs and fell on a glass pane that was kept at side . The glass panes were there to be fixed on the window panes of the staircase. Shhh man i just slipped and fell on a glass pane. All pressure was on the left side of the body and the result was got my left hand cut by those deadly glasses as i fell on my left hand. Never in my life had i seen so much blood n that too of myself. Went to the doctor and there came the news that the tendon of my small finger got cut...n it need to b operated. That very day i had my operation done..this was the first time in my life that i ever entered the operation theater. The operation took nearly one and a half hours...and then the doctor plastered it.

Now that has been moved n even the stitches and the tendon has been joined and a splinter has been put, it will be for about 5 more weeks.

With this very incident i came to know that how weak we human beings are. Luckily my left hand got hurt...but i faced a lot of problem from wearing clothes to writing, typing ,bathing n etc. This shows how helpless we become if only a part of our body get injured ....we find the then situations difficult. I've done benchprest upto 100 kgs and gone into heavy weight workout according to my standard n thought i was dam strong. lol...with one such accident it showed me how helpless i was as needed someone to help me.
** the pics are of my left hand...!!!
now with splinter on...it more comfortable and at the same tome its more lighter. Now i an able to go out easily and enjoy my time with my friends.
I really thank Allah for helping me recover from this fast...my mom for whom my respect has really doubled...and my doctor ..thanks a lot.
ouch, that looks terrible...hope u recover pretty fast...the operations are horrible...i ve gone thru ths...i had 2 operations together - appndics and intestine...so understand the pain...
ur hand doesnt seem all rite...so better be very careful...get well soon..:-)
hey... thats really sad :(
Get well soon.. and take good care....
@ Neha
thanks...ya taking care of it!!
@ Deepika
Thanks deepika
I appreciate that you value and thanked right people in your pains .Get well soon
@ Shilpa
i really now know how valuable are they to me.
That's very great of you that, with all these pain in the hand. You are managing your blog very well!!
Thanks for writing all the comments on my blog. It gives me a great feeling in reading all those. I hope to see you again.
I wish you good luck for the get well soon. I hope you are taking good amount of proteins in your diet, as they will help to heal faster.
@ Swatantra
The honor was mine...reading your blog posts...n thankyou for your lovely comments and really good advice.
Ouch that's terrible. Get well soon and thank god you didn't hurt the finger used for blogging ....lolz
Take care of yourself and get better soon :)
@ Sakshi
lol...your right...thank god it was my left hand!!
@ KB
Thanks KB!!
पहले तो मैं आपका तहे दिल से शुक्रियादा करना चाहती हूँ कि आप मेरे ब्लॉग पर आए और मेरी शायरी आपको अच्छी लगी!
मुझे आपका ब्लॉग बहुत अच्छा लगा! मैं दुआ करती हूँ कि आप जल्द से जल्द ठीक हो जाए! अपना ख्याल रखियेगा! गेट वेल सून।
@ Babli
Thanks for visiting my blog!!!
Thanks for dropping by. The pictures really show the amount of pain and discomfort you must have been in. Hope you recover real soon.
hey Nazish, so sorry to hear this....though its a stupid question...hope u r doing good now!!!
Take good care.
@ Sujata
Ya was a bit tough...but recovering now!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog...
@ Aruna
Yup m better now...recovering!!!
that looks bad...hope it heals soon...take care!
@ Ersa
ohh.that's too bad......take care nazish....sometimes you get to know how the weakest of all ( the little finger here) can make you crippled.......he he.....take good care of your self.
wishes from me and mithi for you n your mom ...:D
@ Sangeeta
lolz...your so right how the weakest of all the little finger can make.
Thanks for for your wishes!!!
hey take care dear
@ Angel
Thanks Easha!!
Hope u have recovered fully now..
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